Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The road to polyamory

Will same-sex matrimony extend marriage's stabilizing effects to homosexuals? Will gay marriage undermine family life? A lot is riding on the answers to these questions. But the media's reflexive labeling of doubts about gay marriage as homophobia has made it almost impossible to debate the social effects of this reform. Now with the Supreme Court's ringing affirmation of sexual liberty in Lawrence v. Texas, that debate is unavoidable. Among the likeliest effects of gay marriage is to take us down a slippery slope to legalized polygamy and â€Å"polyamory† (group marriage).Marriage will be transformed into a variety of relationship contracts, linking two, three, or more individuals (however weakly and temporarily) in every conceivable combination of male and female. A scare scenario? Hardly. The bottom of this slope is visible from where we stand. Advocacy of legalized polygamy is growing. A network of grass-roots organizations seeking legal recognition for group marriage alre ady exists. The cause of legalized group marriage is championed by a powerful faction of family law specialists.Influential legal bodies in both the United States and Canada have presented radical programs of marital reform. Some of these quasi-governmental proposals go so far as to suggest the abolition of marriage. The ideas behind this movement have already achieved surprising influence with a prominent American politician. None of this is well known. Both the media and public spokesmen for the gay marriage movement treat the issue as an unproblematic advance for civil rights.True, a small number of relatively conservative gay spokesmen do consider the social effects of gay matrimony, insisting that they will be beneficent, that homosexual unions will become more stable. Yet another faction of gay rights advocates actually favors gay marriage as a step toward the abolition of marriage itself. This group agrees that there is a slippery slope, and wants to hasten the slide down. To consider what comes after gay marriage is not to say that gay marriage itself poses no danger to the institution of marriage.Quite apart from the likelihood that it will usher in legalized polygamy and polyamory, gay marriage will almost certainly weaken the belief that monogamy lies at the heart of marriage. But to see why this is so, we will first need to reconnoiter the slippery slope. Promoting polygamy DURING THE 1996 congressional debate on the Defense of Marriage Act, which affirmed the ability of the states and the federal government to withhold recognition from same-sex marriages, gay marriage advocates were put on the defensive by the polygamy question.If gays had a right to marry, why not polygamists? Andrew Sullivan, one of gay marriage's most intelligent defenders, labeled the question fear-mongering–akin to the discredited belief that interracial marriage would lead to birth defects. â€Å"To the best of my knowledge,† said Sullivan, â€Å"there is no p olygamists' rights organization poised to exploit same-sex marriage and return the republic to polygamous abandon. † Actually, there are now many such organizations. And their strategy–even their existence–owes much to the movement for gay marriage.Scoffing at the polygamy prospect as ludicrous has been the strategy of choice for gay marriage advocates. In 2000, following Vermont's enactment of civil unions, Matt Coles, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, said, â€Å"I think the idea that there is some kind of slippery slope [to polygamy or group marriage] is silly. † As proof, Coles said that America had legalized interracial marriage, while also forcing Utah to ban polygamy before admission to the union.That dichotomy, said Coles, shows that Americans are capable of distinguishing between better and worse proposals for reforming marriage. Are we? When Tom Green was put on trial in Utah for polygamy in 2001, it played like a dress rehearsal for the coming movement to legalize polygamy. True, Green was convicted for violating what he called Utah's â€Å"don't ask, don't tell† policy on polygamy. Pointedly refusing to â€Å"hide in the closet,† he touted polygamy on the Sally Jessy Raphael, Queen Latifah, Geraldo Rivera, and Jerry Springer shows, and on â€Å"Dateline NBC† and â€Å"48 Hours.† But the Green trial was not just a cable spectacle. It brought out a surprising number of mainstream defenses of polygamy. And most of the defenders went to bat for polygamy by drawing direct comparisons to gay marriage. Writing in the Village Voice, gay leftist Richard Goldstein equated the drive for state-sanctioned polygamy with the movement for gay marriage. The political reluctance of gays to embrace polygamists was understandable, said Goldstein, â€Å"but our fates are entwined in fundamental ways. â€Å"Libertarian Jacob Sullum defended polygamy, along with all ot her consensual domestic arrangements, in the Washington Times. Syndicated liberal columnist Ellen Goodman took up the cause of polygamy with a direct comparison to gay marriage. Steve Chapman, a member of the Chicago Tribune editorial board, defended polygamy in the Tribune and in Slate. The New York Times published a Week in Review article juxtaposing photos of Tom Green's family with sociobiological arguments about the naturalness of polygamy and promiscuity.The ACLU's Matt Coles may have derided the idea of a slippery slope from gay marriage to polygamy, but the ACLU itself stepped in to help Tom Green during his trial and declared its support for the repeal of all â€Å"laws prohibiting or penalizing the practice of plural marriage. † There is of course a difference between repealing such laws and formal state recognition of polygamous marriages. Neither the ACLU nor, say, Ellen Goodman has directly advocated formal state recognition. Yet they give us no reason to suppose that, when the time is ripe, they will not do so.Stephen Clark, the legal director of the Utah ACLU, has said, â€Å"Talking to Utah's polygamists is like talking to gays and lesbians who really want the right to live their lives. † All this was in 2001, well before the prospect that legal gay marriage might create the cultural conditions for state-sanctioned polygamy. Can anyone doubt that greater public support will be forthcoming once gay marriage has become a reality? Surely the ACLU will lead the charge. Why is state-sanctioned polygamy a problem?The deep reason is that it erodes the ethos of monogamous marriage. Despite the divorce revolution, Americans still take it for granted that marriage means monogamy. The ideal of fidelity may be breached in practice, yet adultery is clearly understood as a transgression against marriage. Legal polygamy would jeopardize that understanding, and that is why polygamy has historically been treated in the West as an offense against s ociety itself. In most non-Western cultures, marriage is not a union of freely choosing individuals, but an alliance of family groups.The emotional relationship between husband and wife is attenuated and subordinated to the economic and political interests of extended kin. But in our world of freely choosing individuals, extended families fall away, and love and companionship are the only surviving principles on which families can be built. From Thomas Aquinas through Richard Posner, almost every serious observer has granted the incompatibility between polygamy and Western companionate marriage. Where polygamy works, it does so because the husband and his wives are emotionally distant.Even then, jealousy is a constant danger, averted only by strict rules of seniority or parity in the husband's economic support of his wives. Polygamy is more about those resources than about sex. Yet in many polygamous societies, even though only 10 or 15 percent of men may actually have multiple wive s, there is a widely held belief that men need multiple women. The result is that polygamists are often promiscuous–just not with their own wives. Anthropologist Philip Kilbride reports a Nigerian survey in which, among urban male polygamists, 44 percent said their most recent sexual partners were women other than their wives.For monogamous, married Nigerian men in urban areas, that figure rose to 67 percent. Even though polygamous marriage is less about sex than security, societies that permit polygamy tend to reject the idea of marital fidelity–for everyone, polygamists included. Mormon polygamy has always been a complicated and evolving combination of Western mores and classic polygamous patterns. Like Western companionate marriage, Mormon polygamy condemns extramarital sex. Yet historically, like its non-Western counterparts, it de-emphasized romantic love.Even so, jealousy was always a problem. One study puts the rate of 19th-century polygamous divorce at triple t he rate for monogamous families. Unlike their forebears, contemporary Mormon polygamists try to combine polygamy with companionate marriage–and have a very tough time of it. We have no definitive figures, but divorce is frequent. Irwin Altman and Joseph Ginat, who've written the most detailed account of today's breakaway Mormon polygamist sects, highlight the special stresses put on families trying to combine modern notions of romantic love with polygamy.Strict religious rules of parity among wives make the effort to create a hybrid traditionalist/modern version of Mormon polygamy at least plausible, if very stressful. But polygamy let loose in modern secular America would destroy our understanding of marital fidelity, while putting nothing viable in its place. And postmodern polygamy is a lot closer than you think. Polyamory AMERICA'S NEW, souped-up version of polygamy is called â€Å"polyamory.† Polyamorists trace their descent from the anti-monogamy movements of the sixties and seventies–everything from hippie communes, to the support groups that grew up around Robert Rimmer's 1966 novel â€Å"The Harrad Experiment,† to the cult of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Polyamorists proselytize for â€Å"responsible non-monogamy†Ã¢â‚¬â€œopen, loving, and stable sexual relationships among more than two people. The modern polyamory movement took off in the mid-nineties–partly because of the growth of the Internet (with its confidentiality), but also in parallel to, and inspired by, the rising gay marriage movement.Unlike classic polygamy, which features one man and several women, polyamory comprises a bewildering variety of sexual combinations. There are triads of one woman and two men; heterosexual group marriages; groups in which some or all members are bisexual; lesbian groups, and so forth. (For details, see Deborah Anapol's â€Å"Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits,† one of the movement's authoritative guides, or Goog le the word polyamory. ) Supposedly, polyamory is not a synonym for promiscuity. In practice, though, there is a continuum between polyamory and â€Å"swinging.† Swinging couples dally with multiple sexual partners while intentionally avoiding emotional entanglements. Polyamorists, in contrast, try to establish stable emotional ties among a sexually connected group. Although the subcultures of swinging and polyamory are recognizably different, many individuals move freely between them. And since polyamorous group marriages can be sexually closed or open, it's often tough to draw a line between polyamory and swinging. Here, then, is the modern American version of Nigeria's extramarital polygamous promiscuity.Once the principles of monogamous companionate marriage are breached, even for supposedly stable and committed sexual groups, the slide toward full-fledged promiscuity is difficult to halt. Polyamorists are enthusiastic proponents of same-sex marriage. Obviously, any attem pt to restrict marriage to a single man and woman would prevent the legalization of polyamory. After passage of the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, an article appeared in Loving More, the flagship magazine of the polyamory movement, calling for the creation of a polyamorist rights movement modeled on the movement for gay rights.The piece was published under the pen name Joy Singer, identified as the graduate of a â€Å"top ten law school† and a political organizer and public official in California for the previous two decades. Taking a leaf from the gay marriage movement, Singer suggested starting small. A campaign for hospital visitation rights for polyamorous spouses would be the way to begin. Full marriage and adoption rights would come later. Again using the gay marriage movement as a model, Singer called for careful selection of acceptable public spokesmen (i. e. , people from longstanding poly families with children).Singer even published a speech by Iowa state legisla tor Ed Fallon on behalf of gay marriage, arguing that the goal would be to get a congressman to give exactly the same speech as Fallon, but substituting the word â€Å"poly† for â€Å"gay† throughout. Try telling polyamorists that the link between gay marriage and group marriage is a mirage. The flexible, egalitarian, and altogether postmodern polyamorists are more likely to influence the larger society than Mormon polygamists. The polyamorists go after monogamy in a way that resonates with America's secular, post-sixties culture.Yet the fundamental drawback is the same for Mormons and polyamorists alike. Polyamory websites are filled with chatter about jealousy, the problem that will not go away. Inevitably, group marriages based on modern principles of companionate love, without religious rules and restraints, are unstable. Like the short-lived hippie communes, group marriages will be broken on the contradiction between companionate love and group solidarity. And chi ldren will pay the price. The harms of state-sanctioned polyamorous marriage would extend well beyond the polyamorists themselves.Once monogamy is defined out of marriage, it will be next to impossible to educate a new generation in what it takes to keep companionate marriage intact. State-sanctioned polyamory would spell the effective end of marriage. And that is precisely what polyamory's new–and surprisingly influential–defenders are aiming for. The family law radicals STATE-SANCTIONED polyamory is now the cutting-edge issue among scholars of family law. The preeminent school of thought in academic family law has its origins in the arguments of radical gay activists who once opposed same-sex marriage.In the early nineties, radicals like longtime National Gay and Lesbian Task Force policy director Paula Ettelbrick spoke out against making legal marriage a priority for the gay rights movement. Marriage, Ettelbrick reminded her fellow activists, â€Å"has long been th e focus of radical feminist revulsion. † Encouraging gays to marry, said Ettelbrick, would only force gay â€Å"assimilation† to American norms, when the real object of the gay rights movement ought to be getting Americans to accept gay difference.â€Å"Being queer,† said Ettelbrick, â€Å"means pushing the parameters of sex and family, and in the process transforming the very fabric of society. † Promoting polyamory is the ideal way to â€Å"radically reorder society's view of the family,† and Ettelbrick, who has since formally signed on as a supporter of gay marriage (and is frequently quoted by the press), is now part of a movement that hopes to use gay marriage as an opening to press for state-sanctioned polyamory. Ettelbrick teaches law at the University of Michigan, New York University, Barnard, and Columbia. She has a lot of company.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gideon Katey Fayorsey’s Manifesto

Manifesto Madam electoral commissioner, Honourable executive manageress and supervisor of studies, Teaching and unteaching staffs of this noble institution, Enthusiastic student, co-aspirant, Invited guest, Distinguished ladies and gentlemen I greet you all. My name is Gideon Katey Fayorsey vying for the office of the school prefect and I deem it an honour to stand before you this morning to read my manifesto.As we all know here comes another election season or era which is characterised by the handing over of spiritual and physical batons from the old Elijah’s to the new Elisha’s First and foremost I would like to tell you reasons why you should vote for me, there so many reasons but I would like talk about three of them for the sake of time, to begin with I would like to tackle discipline As we all know discipline comes first in the life of an academician. We also know canning is not the only way to discipline a child but counselling which is a also very good way of d isciplining a child.Which I have started doing through spreading of the gospel. Comfortably seated Ladies and gentle imagine you disrespected a teacher when the teacher comes to the class teach will you be able to concentrate? No you cannot concentrate because at the first place you cannot look at the face of the teacher this cause many students to dislike and fail a particular subject. I Gideon Katey Fayorsey about to be elected will ensure that discipline is held in the highest level Secondly I would like talk to you about the reading of your books.Nowadays literacy week is part of our academic activities but still students find it very hard to read their books which isn’t good because the is a saying that â€Å"A man who does not read gets constipation of thoughts and diarrhea of words† I will make sure all students read at least two story books a week. And the last but not the least is My ultimate priority of the â€Å" Ancora Impara† which simply means that the attitude of learning shall I hold indisputably to ensure that my time shall see a considerably rise in academic performance with the blare of a trumpet so that we can all say something has happened out of the blues.Finally I will like to cast your vote for it is what is going to catapult me into unleashing my daring ambition. Vote for Gideon Katey Fayorsey this your decision to have a change of lifetime for it is said that â€Å"The journey of a thousand mile begins with a step† and that step is to be taken by you by voting for me. Vote Gideon Katey Fayorsey the potential potentate who has the power, ability, capability and capacity to head you towards the attainment of your aspiration. Vote and vote wisely for your vote is your greatest power and secrete. God bless you all! God Bless Great St Paul’s !! God bless Lutheran!!! Thank you all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Comfort Women of Nanking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Comfort Women of Nanking - Essay Example The arguments are based on the reasons that there are no definite evidences that link the Japanese government to the maintenance of brothels of comfort women during WWII. Aside from this, prostitutions and sex slaves were considered legal during that time. Although it is admitted based on records that there were about 200,000 comfort women and that they went through pains, disease, and humiliations, the Japanese were not solely to be blamed. Some of the women were prostitutes who volunteered and others were sold by their families. The concern of the government at that time was the needs of the military soldiers that prompted them to act accordingly. The comfort women kept silent about this for a while, but recently, there is a renewed interest globally of justifying the wrongdoings committed to them. Some groups ask for compensation, others ask for public apologies. Governments, more specifically Japan, responsible groups and politicians look at the issue, and weigh things whether to compensate or not. There has been great interest on the issue of compensation for comfort women for supposed rapes and hardships they went through during World War II. International women’s group as well as the affected countries pressure Japan to apologize and issue just compensation for these women as it is argued that this is the least thing that they could do to correct the damage on these women. These comfort women who are now on their eighties still believe that they deserve to be paid because of the agony they had experienced

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mobile telephone ( listening and reading, with vocabulary ) Assignment

Mobile telephone ( listening and reading, with vocabulary ) - Assignment Example In cases of emergencies such as accidents, mobile phones can be used to call the police. On the other hand, mobile phones also provide us with entertainment such as music or videos and they are also capable of storing a lot of data such as music videos, contacts as well as pictures. The mobile phones also have other applications such as word, spreadsheets, internet, alarm, camera, convertors and many other functions. As such, I chose this topic because mobile phones help us in different ways in our daily lives. 2 What was it about? Both the video and the article selected are about the importance of mobile phones in our lives. The video uses attractive pictures of the cell phones which show different models of phones available on the market. The video shows different types of cell phones and specific features about them and the article in particular outlines the important functions of cell phones. 3 Did you read or listen first? Why? Do you think the order you chose helped you or not? How many times did you need to read & listen before you felt confident about understanding the topic and vocabulary? How do you feel about this topic, e.g. positive or negative feelings? Do you agree/disagree with the ideas?† I listened and watched the video then proceeded to read the article. I repeated the process so as to get a clear understanding of the message presented in the article as well as the video clip as well. The vocabulary used in the video and the article is very simple. I did not find any new word that was confusing since the vocabulary used was easy to understand. I felt confident after reading the article and watching the video. This topic is very interesting and I have positive feelings about it given that some of us cannot live without cell phones. I have also discovered that cell phones have become an important part of our lives since we can use them to communicate or perform other work since they have many functions similar to computers. In the modern day, we use mobile phones to do a lot of things which are related to our work and social needs. I agree with the ideas suggested in the video and the article about the importance of mobile phones. 4. Did you learn anything new from this reading & listening? What? Since I also use a mobile phone on a daily basis, I did not learn anything new about this topic. 5. Was this topic connected in any way to your future studies and if so, how do you think you can find out more about it? Somehow, the topic is connected to my future studies since I use the mobile phone to perform a lot of functions such as researching different subjects related to my area of study. 6. What was easy/ difficult about it? The topic was easy to understand since the article was written in simple terms and was straight forward. The video also showed attractive images and it explained in detail the advantages of using a mobile phone in our lives. I realised that the mobile phones can enable us to reach people in diff erent parts of the world from anywhere. We use cell phones every day so I did not discover anything new about this topic. I can safely say that the topic was not difficult in any way. 7. Which was the more challenging aspect, the reading, or the listening? Why? There was nothing so challenging in reading the article and watching the video. The article in particular outlined more details that were clearly explained

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Analysis - Research Paper Example However, the company particular focuses to target United States and sustain it edge in the industry. The company is currently facing criticism that Voss contains similar sources as the tap water due to which the company is currently struggling to sustain its positioning in the industry. However, the competition in the bottled water industry is becoming intense with the passage of time. The present document strategically analyzes Voss Water and its positioning in the industry. In order to determine the positioning of the company, industrial analysis, PESTLE analysis and PORTER five forces analysis have been conducted to determine strategic positioning of Voss Water in the  Bottled Water industry (Anon., 2014). The overall trend in Bottle Industry has significantly improved that has significantly affected the sales of the bottled water. According to a report of International Bottled Water Association (2014),  "Bottled Water Industry in the United States has showed significant growth during 2012-2013 after the Great Recession 2009  (IBWA Report, 2014)".  Despite the fact that the United States  has slower economic recovery but has high-income level due to which the consumer are comfortable to spend money on discretionary items, including bottled water. It is predicted that the improvement in the economic conditions will cast  positive impact on the revenues of bottled water industry (Hamphell, 2013). The consumer’s response is improving with the passage of time (2008-2009) due to which the some of the consumers that were distracted from the high-calorie beverages are also now getting back to the same category. On the contrary, the low-income Americans that were also disprop ortionately affected are currently struggling for employment due to which they are inclined towards discounted bottled water. In 2013, the off-trade value sales of bottled water have increased by 2 percent. However, the prices of the bottled water have

Organization Management Task Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organization Management Task - Term Paper Example Industry experts had forecasted that the attendants would fall considerably during the recession. However, increase in the price of tickets would not be effective as the expense increased by 2.5% leading to considerable operating deficit. However, the strength of the Symphony lies in the fact that it had earned a huge brand name for itself being one of the most famous orchestral groups. The financial strength of the organizations is also revealed through the immense reputation that it enjoyed and which consequently reflected through high ticket sales. Also the high paid musicians employed by the organization earning full time salaries only depicts the financial stability of the organization. The financial weakness of the organization was that it did not get any funds from the state and was the entire was generated through individual contributions and tickets sales. Moreover, ticket sales kept fluctuating depending on external conditions which weakened its financial position even furt her. The leadership strength of the company gets reflected by the fact it was led by Maurice Abravanel, who was hired as the conductor in the organization. The orchestra had developed under Abravanel starting from a small and part time community ensemble to a huge and renowned world class symphony. He was responsible for the growth of USA and for becoming the first orchestra in USA to have performed in the international platform. The leadership weakness of Utah Symphony gets revealed through the fact that it was subjected to too many leadership changes. The leadership of Abravanel was taken over by Lockhart and Lockhart continued to follow the initial strategies. However, since external conditions had changed it was necessary that Lockhart had made his own strategies which would be suitable for the present conditions at Symphony. a. Recommendations for addressing the weaknesses Firstly Anne should ensure that the organization would continue functioning under strong leadership and gu idance as they had done before. Otherwise it would lead to a fall in quality and performance. Secondly she would also have to ensure that the crisis which had resulted in revenue losses for the company would be eradicated. The crucial aspect of the merger was to ensure that the merger would result in economic benefits and remove the deficits which had been prevailing (Dymski, 1999, p.56). The merger would definitely result in realizing scale economies as both the organizations were into the same business. This would be possible by making thorough analysis of the financial position of the two organizations, measuring their strengths and weaknesses and working on them. The key strategy would be to use the strength of one organization to realize the benefit of the other. Merging Opera with Symphony could be effective in drawing audiences having affinity towards traditions and culture which could control the problem of falling ticket sales to an extent. Enhancing the brand name and repu tation through advertizing and publicity would also be effective in earning reputation and fame drawing in additional audiences which would consequently strengthen financial position of the organization. The improved financial position would be make it eligible for being part of the big merger. 2. Financial and leadership strengths and weaknesses of the Utah Opera The Utah Opera was also initiated and led by the best

Friday, July 26, 2019

Networking Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Networking Bachelor - Essay Example A secured e commerce service is one of the major concerns for any corporation today in the growing business world. Today e-commerce has provided the gateway for any company to grow and at the same time has provided with its customers and consumers with all the facility to shop from the comfort of their home, while watching TV or listening to music. The major concern for any organization and/or corporation is to provide the necessary security for the online transaction either done through a bank or via any credit card company. Security has become a major concern in the 21st Century. This research work concentrates and focuses more on the e-commerce Security protocols and to improve. The aim is to understand e - commerce security critically and analyze it further into depth to provide more relevant information regarding e-commerce security. The greater part of research work has been dedicated to e-commerce security of electronic business and why the security is considered as very important and how each country spends significant amount of their capital available for security of their electronic business and the loss they may face in security breach of their competitive, confidential, data processing and business information. With the growing use of internet today people want to use more and more of the services available.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Computer Information Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer Information Technology - Research Paper Example Then, computers became common in the society and I became one of its frequent users. When the time came for the choice of a career, I researched and analyzed the skills that are needed for different fields of work. The field of information technology seemed to possess many areas of my interest namely logical thinking, computing machines etc. Another aspect that attracted me towards this field was the degree of its incorporation in every field. It provides one with the choice of being associated to any field for example e-learning enables one to be associated with the field of education, information systems enable one to be associated with the field of business. Some of the most appealing jobs in the market nowadays are related to the field of computers, for example; Facebook: Facebook is the most famous social networking site in the history of the internet. It has over 500 million users. They hire computer professionals of all levels from Diploma holders to PHDs. Their workplace is designed to provide their employees with a comfortable place to inspire them and make it seem like their second home. Computer has become an integral part of any field therefore any operations that are related to it do not face much cutbacks or layoffs. Recently, Google gave its employees 10% increment even in the times of recovery from the financial crisis. This field enables individuals to have the power to create programs. The joy of being able to create software is no less than the satisfaction that a painter gains from the creation of a painting. An individual without the knowledge of computers tends to be dependent on others to get his work done or stays behind in the modern competitive market. The salaries of computer professionals tend to vary according to their skills. According to an online job hunter; the annual average salary of computer professionals is $56,000 (Simply, â€Å"Google Salaries†). The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

French revolution, social revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

French revolution, social revolution - Essay Example As a result, the government could not levy enough tax to fill in the deficit as the citizen’s anger grew. While the nobles got exempted, peasant with big chunks of land was handed the heaviest tax weight of all. Secondly, there was food scarcity. Food failures in that time led to high prices of bread. The parliament was dominated by the nobility, so despite the efforts of Louis XV and Louis XVI to tax them, it only resulted to resistance from the law courts. When all attempts failed in 1788, the king summoned the estates general, who was the first since 1614 which would meet in 1789. The king wanted them to meet the modern way, but parliamentarians decided they would meet the same way as 1614. Society had changed in 200 years, and the bourgeoisie was the people with the money, now money was their power/ advantage to seize the power they so much wanted to have. Effects: In France, the bourgeois and the land owning classes emerged as the dominating power. Feudalism was dead; social order and relations were strengthened by the Coda Napoleon. The revolution unified France and improved the power of the national state. The revolution and the Napoleonic wars changed the structure of Europe and initiated the era of modern total warfare. Although few historians see the rule of terror as a hostile precursor of present-day totalitarianism, other argue that this ignores the vital role played by the revolution in establishing an example of such democratic institutions as elections and constitutions. The failed ventures of the urban lower middle class to secure economic and political gains foreshadowed the class conflicts of the 19th century. While major historical interpretations of the French revolution differ greatly, almost all agree it had an extraordinary influence of the modern world. This French revolution maybe seen as a prototype for modern social revolution in a way that has seen many similar circumstances of social revolutions. In her book, Theda Skocpol

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Prevention and Control of Diseases and Health Conditions Assignment

Prevention and Control of Diseases and Health Conditions - Assignment Example In the time of menopause, women experiences declining level of progesterone and estrogen thus having symptomatic changes for women. However, HRT can be an efficient treatment for the typical menopause symptoms. According to studies on HRT, they should that the risk: benefit ratio can rise significantly for those women with ages 60 years and above. The risk involved such as stroke, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer among others complications might have been the main thing that went wrong in the clinical studies (OConnor-Fleming, & Parker, 2008). HPV is said to be the most common American’s sexually transmitted disease. Merck Pharmaceuticals having introduced a vaccine that protects against the sexually transmitted virus raises many concerns, not on the issue of risks but on the issue of ethics. In my opinion, I think the vaccine will make things worse rather than good. On the issue of ethics, the vaccine will lead to some women letting their guard down when it concerns annual gynecological exams and safe sex (McKenzie, Pinger, & Kotecki, 2012). On the issue of breast cancer, the age bracket is not relevant considering the past statistics on the range of women who have died of breast cancer. According to the Canadian National Breast Screening Study, 5% of the screenings are positive or suspicious, but the 80-93 % is false positives that cause anxiety to many, however, on public perspective, this shows that the hospitals undertaking the screening might be using tests have questionable accuracy. I believe the 5% is worth saving, considering the limited resources and screening in any age group is not justifiable (OConnor-Fleming, & Parker,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Film and Photographic Equipment Essay Example for Free

Film and Photographic Equipment Essay As of the time of the case, 2007, although IMAX was involved in three different industries, the case suggests that it was primarily in Photographic Equipment and Supplier industry primarily because about 51 per cent of its total revenue of IMAX was system sale. Therefore, the following analysis will focus on that industry. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Major suppliers of photographic equipment and supplier industry may include manufacturers producing relevant components of any kind of equipment, contractors making the complete equipment, and so forth. From my viewpoint, the suppliers’ bargaining power is low because of several reasons. First, along with the development of photographically relevant equipment, although the products firms provide are technically concentrated, there are certain standards recognized and adopted, such as film size of 35 mm or certain sizes of lens filter, in the industry. Therefore, the switching cost for their buyers is low. Second, photographic equipment and supplier industry is an important customer to its supplier group. Specifically, the usage of the products that the supplier group provides is limited to machinery or equipment in other industries. Besides, although there are few substitute products, which situation generally increases supplier group’s bargaining power, firms in photographic equipment and supplier industry still can easily find other manufacturers with lower cost. Bargaining Power of Buyers The buyer group of photographic equipment and supplier industry is enormous, ranging from B2B buyers like motion picture production firms to B2C buyers like customers who purchase digital single lens cameras. Considering the difference of consuming difference of buyers and following reasons, the bargaining power of buyers is medium. First, sales volume varies among different segments. For example, motion movie production studios or chain multiplexes may have high bargaining power because of high purchasing volumes; on the other hand, customers who go to Staple to purchase a copy machine have little or no bargaining power. Second, the products in photographic equipment and supplier industry are generally undifferentiated because of aforementioned regular standard existing, and therefore bargaining power increases. However, exception could be that once new products are launched with attracting feature and highly accepted by buyers, such as IMAX format, the bargaining power decreases. Moreover, because of the great scope of photographic equipment, switching cost varies extremely, taking the difference between cameras shooting in IMAX digital format and little digital cameras from all brands in the market as example. Besides, backward integrations are less likely to happen compared to forward integrations from supplier group. Threat of Substitute Products In photographic equipment and supplier industry, treat of substitute is low primarily because products from this industry has been evolving for decades and has become essential goods. For instance, copy machine, also provided from the industry, has become essential equipment in firms and institutions. Although the substitute products to this example could be pens and paper, few people really would do that for efficiency concern, and therefore the switching cost is high. Intensity of Rivalry Competition in photographic equipment and supplier industry is intense for reasons. Because of the specialized nature of the products, generally exist barrier is high for big companies like Cannon, Nikon, and Xerox, and those major competitors are highly committed to the industry by providing products with advanced technology and competing against each other intensively. Although some products in the industry can differentiate themselves from others and protected by patents for a period of time, new film format from IMAX for example, once competitors foresee the great potential profitability, it is not difficult for them to produce products with similar features to split the market share. Threat of Entry From my viewpoint, the threat of entry in the industry is medium. Take multi-business electronics suppliers such as Sony and Samsung as example, they supply various lines of products and compete against each other. Even photographic equipment is not their primary selling product, supported by strong capital and experienced RD departments, those companies are able to enter photographic equipment and supplier industry and split a piece of market share, primarily because of their existing reputation from relevant electronics industry. To deal with new coming competitors, current suppliers are less likely to have continuous price cutting battles because of high fixed costs; instead, it is more likely to increase investments, like RD, and product lines to keep market share in every targeted segment. An obvious example is that when Sony entered digital single lens camera market with cheaper price, other major suppliers like Nikon and Cannon did not cut price on existing premium products but expanded product lines to launch cheaper products competing directly to Sony. In short, the barrier is not so high for certain new competitors to come into the industry, but because of the intense reaction from existing players, the impact and threat new comings bring in is moderate. Competitive Advantages Advanced Technology One of the competitive advantages of IMAX and the most distinguishing characteristics that differentiate the company from its competitors is its advanced and unique technology that brings new formats, and other associated system equipment like screen and projector into the industry. The key element contributes to this advantage is that the company was committed to invest in RD. In return, the company was granted many patents that would keep the company in a unique position and from direct competition in the industry. Products Quality Control and Relationship Another IMAX’s competitive advantage is its quality control of products and system implementation. With its distinguishing technology, IMAX had been implementing the system into multiple locations, including multiplexes and education institutions, and because of its strict quality control and maintenance service, the company could maintain good relationship with diverse customers. The agreement of theatrical system implementation and service is an advantage for IMX to generate revenue not only from one-time transactions but long term profit splitting. Brand image and Product Distribution Diversity IMAX has built a unique brand image both from hardware and software perspectives and that also remains the company competitive. First, people would recognize IMAX as a prestigious theatrical system supplier based on their experience from multiple locations. Especially when major multiplex brands and education institutions carry its system, it’s very likely that people would naturally feel IMAX credible. The consequence is beneficial for IMX to expand business later, such as entering home theater system market. From the software perspective, especially the company’s educational entertainment production, not only create revenue other than just from commercial production but catch the trend of increased consumption of educational entertainment. The situation help IMAX build up a unique brand image that its production is not only commercial but educational so that people would have more trust in the company’s future motion picture production. To sum up, although IMAX has several competitive advantages, not all of them will last for too long. For instance, competitors could match up with its advances technology by inventing other formats and once they are accepted by end consumers, it will become a big threat for the company; On the other hand, some advantages could last for a long time once IMAX take good care of them. For example, the brand image being as a well motion picture production supplier is one that can remain in consumers’ minds for a long time and that’s not what new competitors can achieve in a short time. Corporate Advantages From my viewpoint, IMAX has corporate advantages because of its diverse productions from equipment supplier, motion picture production, and distribution industry. However, the most important issue is how to leverage those segments to increase the company’s growth. Business Resources  IMAX’s core business, photographic equipment and supplier, provides capabilities to enhance all its business. The company has created competitive advantages as mentioned and those advantages enhance the company’s business across industries. For instance, for its motion picture production business, all the films are shot in new IMAX formats, film or digital, by the equipment its own supplier segment produces, it reduce huge cost for format conversion compared to other films shot in different formats y other studios. Organization Because of the narrow scope of the business, coordination among different sectors in the organization is critical for IMX. For instance, the vertical integration of the business allows the company to share resources such as instant feedbacks for its RD department from motion picture production sector. By sharing these experience and information, the company will have the ability to forecast and adapt to new opportunities sh ortly in the future for every sectors in its value chain. In short, IMAX’s corporate advantages come from its competitive advantages and vertical integration. Because its business is based on unique technology and coordinated the whole value chain, it is not easy for competitors to imitate and therefore time for its corporate advantages is expected to last. Recommendations Keep Diversity of Production To answer the question that if IMAX would lose its differentiation because of numerous Hollywood films, my recommendation is that IMAX should keep doing converting Hollywood films and at the same time producing educational films. One reason is that format conversion brings good revenue for IMAX and people would be able to tell the difference between Hollywood movies in IMAX format and its own production. On the other hand, IMAX should keep catching on the trend of the increasing consumption of educational entertainment, because the company has been building up a good image distributing films in educational institutions and such would also prevent the erosion of its brand image. Not Sold to Larger Studios  Another recommendation for IMAX is that it should not be sold to a larger studio, and the main reason is that IMAX has already created its own competitive and corporate advantages and they are not easy to imitate. What IMAX should do is properly exploiting its assets, both tangible and intangible. Although the company in motion picture production industry is small and face competitors like Pixar, it should still stay on the track catching the trend by coordination and support from its other business ectors. Expanding Market Production Diversity IMAX’s new technology is standing in a niche market without sustainable growth. Even though the company is able to keep generate great revenue from equipment sales, saturation in USA will become an issue someday. To deal with that, IMAX has to make a short term strategy doing business in USA and expand to global market, because from Exhibit 11, we can see that films generated revenue approximately two time s overseas more as those in USA. However, for long term strategy, IMAX has to find a way to expand its business in a slow-growing market. For instance, the company can expand its product lines into home theater system because the case indicates a high usage rate of DVD, and the system is still highly relevant equipment to the current product lines. By doing so, IMAX can benefit from creating potential revenue from new sources and from keeping its brand image as a innovating company in the equipment supplier industry.

In class essay about play Antigone Essay Example for Free

In class essay about play Antigone Essay Creon, the king of Thebes, is one of the major characters. The author utilized several characters/ foils in order to build up the king’s image, the pride, cruel, stubborn and superior ruler. Through those conflicts, arguments and persuations, the king’s figure was gradually set up and was foreshadowing the tragic ending of his own life. The conflict between Antigone and Creon in the play is very outstanding and intense. Creon commanded that Eteocles would be buried in formal way, meanwhile, Creon also made laws to prevent people from burying Polynices. Let his corpse rot and be eaten by animals. Antigone buried the body without any hesitation that she was violating the laws. Because Antigone believed there is nothing can be superior to the gods, the gods would agree with her action. She argued that Creon, a mere mortal, did not have the power to override the gods, which enraged Creon. The things Antigone believed utterly subverted Creon’s value. In contrast, Creon thought the king’s power overtopped any other thing, all the laws he made should be obeyed no matter they were right or wrong. He also believed once the king made the decision, there is no way that the king was about to make mistake. Nobody should doubt the power of the king. Compare to Antigone, Creon was too pride of being a king, he wallowed in dominant power, forgot and betrayed the traditions of gods. The closed bonding between Antigone and Polynices also urged Antigone to decide to bury his body. Antigone said, once father, mother and brothers passed away, there would never be another one. Antigone treated the dead fairly because she knew let the body of her family rot in the desolate place was cruel, just like killing the person twice. Creon never regard Polynices was his family but a bastard traitor. He did not want to forgive his sin even though he had already received deserved punishment. Creon ignored Antigone’s argument and sentenced her to death. Once again he thought he was doing the right thing, he did not consider about the impact that would fall on Antigone’s fiancà ©, his son Haemon. Creon was cold inside his stone-like heart, which is a great contrast to Antigone’s selfless and devoted characteristic. Heamon was judicious and sensibl, not like his father Creon. Knowing Antigone sentenced to death, Haemon tried to persuade his father in a rational and  peaceful way. He brought up the general opinion from the citizens that Antigone did not deserve death. He pointed out Creon’s mistake and he would admire his father more if he could fix the situation. But Creon did not take in Haemon’s advise. Creon analysed things with a fixed perpective that he was always right. He was pride and irrational. There is no need to consider advises from lower class people, in this case, his son and his citizens. It was conventional that father gave lessons to son. Though Haemon came to argue with a positive and irenic attitude, not to pick up a fight, Cremon distorted his meaning with the assumption he was on Antigone’s side and called his son the woman’s slave. Readers would conclude Cremon was bad at controling his sentiment and was very easy to get maddened. Tiresias, the prophet also came to persuaded Creon. Tiresias encountered strange phenomenon that indicated the gods was angry about the decision Creon had made. He told Creon to change his mind. Creon found his speech so harsh and dreadful. Once again he felt his power was being challenged by other ordinary people, he doubt Tiresias’s purpose and wondered if he came for his own profit. Creon showed no repects for the messenger of gods, Tiresias, same as the gods themselves. This instance lead to the climax of the play, the gods were enraged and Creon was punished for his mistakes. The above three charaters, as the major foils for Creon, their contrasting traits exposed Creon’s peremptory ruling and cruel father image. The intense conflicts also add more tension and help with the development of the plot.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Assessing Selective Human Genetic Engineering

Assessing Selective Human Genetic Engineering Nora Sheskey Selective Genetic Engineering For millions of years, genetic selection has been the result of natural selection. Who someone is, natural abilities, physical characteristics, and a wide range of other personal attributes were the result of genetic recombination and accidental mutation. Furthermore, children are often born with hereditary conditions which are set by factors we have no control over. However, the advent of modern medicine has brought us to the brink of a time when we can choose to redirect nature and repair maladies in children, where we can artificially modify the very codes which guide their looks, which diseases they are resistant to, and even their personalities. Considering the facts concerning genetic engineering, the benefits which can be achieved far outweigh the potential risks with regard to both the reduction in human suffering and the likely increase in lifespan. The opponents of human genetic engineering often refer to a number of dangers involved in artificially manipulating genetic codes which result in such medical issues as Down’s syndrome, Hemophilia, and even anxiety and stress. With the completion of the Genome project, we can now more accurately map the human DNA than ever before, identifying the locations of defects that cause many of the maladies that have plagued mankind for millennia. Opponents of genetic manipulation are quick to point out that a slight error in the manipulation process can result in changing other sequences that could result in unforeseen and undesired effects. For instance, researcher Russell Powell has speculated that human genetic engineering might result in a lower genetic diversity which could lead to future generations that are more prone to having some types of diseases and which could, potentially, lead to the human race becoming extinct. Part of his research showed how genetic manipulation of cr ops in order to increase the availability of desirable crops increased the likelihood of catastrophic crop failure due to those crops becoming less genetically diverse over time and having reduced resistance to environmental factors which a wider genetic base would have prevented. He studied how such factors led to the nineteenth century Irish Potato Famine and how the organism Phytophthora was able to decimate much of the potato crop in Ireland due to this reduction in genetic diversity because of the farming methods in use in that region during that period of history. His research demonstrates that by reducing human genetic diversity through such techniques as genetic manipulation those human beings could set themselves up for a similar fate (Powell, R. 2012, pp. 204-5). Also, the work of Charles Gillespie, et. al., into how genetics affect the human stress response found that stress related genetic mutations in developing human fetuses increased the individual’s susceptibi lity to disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder later in life. They found that natural genetic manipulation due to a change in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal balance lead to an increase in susceptibility to stress related disorders in the associated human beings (Gillespie, C. F., 2009, p. 990). Opponents of genetic manipulation point out that accidentally manipulating the incorrect gene sequences could result in the same type of condition. Opponents use facts such as these in their outspoken aversion to the practice. Proponents of genetic engineering rebut the opponents by pointing out that the benefits of curing medical issues like Down’s syndrome and Hemophilia far outweigh the possible risks. They counter the opposition with a number of research studies. As part of his research, Powell determined that human genetic diversity is due to a combination of both mutation and recombination (Powell, R. 2012, pp. 215). He found that a number of different phenotypes can result from a single genotype which led him to conclude that accidental activation of inactive or incorrect sequences is unlikely to produce feared dramatic issues often spoken of by human genetic manipulation opponents. Additionally, he found that focusing on only DNA adaptive variation involved in human genetic manipulation would not result in an extensive homogenization of the human DNA feared by opponents and that other environmental factors play a significant part in human genetic diversity (Powell, R. 2012, pp. 207-8). In ad dition, Gordon and Hen found that properly utilized genetic manipulation can provide many useful results with an acceptable margin of safety. They studied twins to determine how anxiety response is genetically associated and how DNA sequencing and correction could help to treat the condition. They document that comparisons of fraternal and identical twins showed that 30% to 50% of risk of developing anxiety disorders comes from genetic factors with the remainder being attributed to environmental causes. They also used studies of rats and mice to show that anxiety is a genetic condition and could be treatable using genetic manipulation techniques (Gordon, J. A., Hen, R., 2004, pp. 195-6) Opponents of human genetic engineering further turn to natural selection in their opposition to the practice. They point out that altering how nature and evolution have brought things about can have unintended consequences. As evidence of this, they look at the research of Richard A. Miller. Miller found that manipulating certain genes associated with aging in what he refers to as UM-HET3 mice, a group of 1800 specimens, sometimes actually shortened rather than lengthened the average lifespan as well as hastened the onset of reduced cognitive abilities in the mice which received such treatments. He additionally found that when other specific genetic sequences were modified, the result was an increase in the occurrence of and age at which cancer occurred in some cases. His research also showed that not only could the aging process be sped up due to genetic manipulation but could also increase the severity of old age issues. Additionally, some of the traits which occurred later in life could not be detected in the early stages of life. Miller found that these traits affected a number of aspects such as bones, eyes, hormones, weight, and what kills the individual. Miller eventually admits that there are things which nature has brought about which we cannot yet reproduce in the laboratory and opponents of genetic manipulation question if such research is worth the risks (Miller, R.A., 2005, pp.S284-5) Opponents of genetic engineering also refer to the work of Brown who examined that practice from a viewpoint of Rawlsian Justice. He points out that such a practice still needs to be considered from both a moral and a legal framework. He states that â€Å"The important point is that until now, theories of justice have regarded one’s genetic endowment as a fixed fact of nature rather than as a matter of justice.† He indicates that manipulating individuals alters their right to have an equal claim to the same equalities and fair equalities as others. The o pponents of genetic manipulation take the viewpoint that altering who has what rights is inherently wrong and does not actually improve the overall human condition (Brown, 2007, pp. 83-84) Proponents of human genetic engineering, on the other hand, believe that we, as human beings, are finally able to improve on that which nature has brought about after millions of years of evolution. They point out that nature has evolved such things as cancer and shortened lifespans in their support for genetic manipulation. They also look to the work of Miller and say that in spite of some cases where the lifespan was indeed shortened that in many other cases the lifespan is nonetheless longer. Their viewpoint is that by performing an analysis of the differences between DNA of the long and short lived mice that researchers will be able to eventually track down which genes do lead to longer lives. Miller himself states that there are genes which influence the age at which the various mice die, such as a pair of genes on chromosomes 2 and 16, which lead to mice living up to 173 days longer than mice that do not have this particular DNA sequence. Likewise, Miller states that there are also DNA sequences which also affect the age at which certain cancers occur in some of the mice in his study. He goes on to say that his research indicates that there may be â€Å"a specific aging process that we can learn enough about to modify or prevent.† Miller ends his paper by stating â€Å"Will genetic manipulation or pharmacologic agents suggested by genetic research offer a realistic possibility of life expectancy at birth of 110 or 120 or more years? Twenty years ago, this was a science fiction question, but no more, and it is interesting to speculate based on current evidence. I believe the answer is yes.† (Miller, R.A., 2005, pp. S284-5) After having examined information from both those opposed to and those in favor of human genetic manipulation, we can most certainly say that both sides have some strong arguments in favor of their viewpoints. Those opposed to the practice would appear to come from a traditional perspective, fearing the changes necessary in order to make the necessary strides that will be required in order to bring about substantial gains to be realized from genetic engineering. Taking history as a guiding principle, they see how the best intentions often result in severe negative results before gains can be realized. They see in the work of researchers like Gordon and Hen, Miller, Powell, and Gillespie the backing to state that the possible gains are either not possible or are not warranted by the necessary costs that will be imposed. The proponents of the practice of human genetic engineering believe that any time we can relieve human suffering and eradicate disease that the benefits outweigh the c osts. They are motivated by the belief that any change which improves the human condition is worth the risks and that any time we can repair genetic defects that we are doing humanity a much needed service, even when that service means that we alter the very codes which determine who a person is. They acknowledge the risks posed but believe that a future without birth defects, without Down’s syndrome, and without other such genetically linked issues is worth risking for. They find in the works of Miller, Powell, Gillespie, and Gordon and Hen an exciting roadmap to a world where human suffering based on the genetic structure has been eliminated. Personally, I am inclined to agree with those who say that we must go boldly forward and take the necessary risks in order to improve the human condition in every way possible. History has shown us that such journeys are not without risk but almost always inevitably prove beneficial to future generations. If we are to let fear guide us, we would have never developed such medical miracles as penicillin, the polio vaccine, or the heart transplant. No valiant effort in human history has ever come without costs and moving forward with research in genetic manipulation is sure to impose upon mankind the same kinds of costs imposed by the research of Pasteur, Salk, and Fleming. Mankind has never been the type to simply not advance and the next frontier would appear to be human genetic engineering. In conclusion, we have finally come to an age in human history where we can choose to modify the very codes that define who we are and how we develop. We can decide whether to allow such disorders as Down’s syndrome, Hemophilia, and severe anxiety to continue to plague the human race. The advent of modern medicine has brought us to the brink of a time when we can choose to redirect nature and repair maladies in children, modifying the very codes which guide their looks, which diseases they are resistant to, and even their personalities. The opponents of genetic manipulation believe that the risks involved far outweigh the potential gains. The proponents believe that we cannot let fear hold us back from improving the human condition in any way we can. So, considering the facts concerning genetic engineering, we can at this point say that based on the research and evidence at hand, the benefits which can be achieved far outweigh the potential risks with regard to both the reduct ion in human suffering and the likely increase in lifespan. Works Cited Brown, J. S. (2001). Genetic Manipulation in Humans as a Matter of Rawlsian Justice. Social Theory and Practice, 27(1), 83-110. Gillespie, C. F, Gillespie, J, Phifer, B, et al. (2009). Risk and resilience: Genetic and environmental influences on development of the stress response. Depression and anxiety (1091-4239), 26(11), 984-992. Gordon, J. A., Hen, R. (2004). Genetic Approaches to the Study of Anxiety. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 27(1), 193-222. Miller, R A. (2005). Genetic Approaches to the Study of Aging. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53S284-S286. Powell, R. (2012). The Evolutionary Biological Implications of Human Genetic Engineering. Journal of Medicine Philosophy, 37(3), 204-225.   

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bridge of Montenegro :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I think about my unforgettable experiences in Montenegro, there is always one image that reoccurs in my mind. That picture is the bridge in the river that we used to go swimming in. This bridge does not have a name, however, that does not decrease its importance to the residents that live in that area. It holds various historical facts, information, and stories. Although it is too small to carry automobiles, it allows people to get from one city to the other without driving there. Many people in Montenegro do not have cars or any other means of transportation, so in order for them to get to their desired destination, they must take the bridge. This bridge carried farmer’s cows and sheep’s and led them to their pasture every morning and night. In spite of the fact that cars could not fit through, horses hauled produce over the bridge to nearby markets. The bridge helped people, animals, and food get to where they needed to go instead of taking the streets and risk g etting robbed or hit. Things have changed since the seventy – year old bridge was built. Nowadays it is considered a historic site and diving board to tourists and the citizens. I have noticed the bridge and scenery change before my eyes through the years that I have visited it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I never would have thought it could alter the way it has. Not too long ago, this bridge was the only means of transportation for the natives of Montenegro. When I was younger, I remember the condition of the bridge was as if it were just built. The screws were all in the right places, tightly fastened, and the metal had barely began to chip off. After revisiting this place numerous times, I noticed some distinct transitions. Years later, I observed the transformation of the metal beginning to rust and peel off. Along with that, the nuts and bolts have slowly begun to unscrew themselves due to erosion and time. I remember climbing the surrounding cliffs that led to the bridge and the jumping off of it along with the other children. At that time, doing so was easy. The rocks were a bit difficult to climb, however, with the help of wearing sneakers; it made it a bit easier to ascend. The bridge was built on the peak of the crag, making it accessible to all thrill see kers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Athletes Deserve To Be Paid Essay examples -- Essays Papers

College Athletes Deserve To Be Paid College athletics are some of the biggest and most popular events in the country today. There are many people that make significant amounts of money from college athletics. However, the athletes themselves do not make any money from playing. If college athletes were paid it would solve a lot of the problems that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) faces every year as well as improve play and make college athletics stronger. Throughout the past few years, the NCAA, which was previously viewed as the top basketball organization other than the NBA, has taken a backseat to the professional leagues of Europe. In the 2001 NBA draft of the first eight people selected only two of them had ever played a day of college basketball. The main difference between the players of the European leagues and NCAA athletes is that professional European players are paid. These European leagues, that have produced some of the top young players in the world the past few years, have players as young as 14 years old playing in them. Paying their athletes would bring the NCAA to a level even with European leagues and close the gap with the NBA. Today major college athletes are required to work all year for their sport. The season does not start with preseason practice and end when their last game is played, athletes train 365 days a year for their sport. Their main purpose upon coming to college is to play basketball. What normal college student would devote more than 20 hours per week all year outside of school at something that they did not get paid for? The NCAA has a strict policy that no athletes are to receive any kind of payment or... ...was the most widely followed sports in the world. The NCAA and especially it’s basketball has seen a sharp decline in the number of athletes that go to the professional level, as well as the number of people that follow the sport. Paying its athletes would not immediately fix the problem but it is the first step in the right direction. Times have changed since giving an athlete a scholarship for four years would be all that they wanted or the best offer that they could get at that time. Now some college athletes are world famous and they know that there are offers that are better for them and their families out there besides staying in college for four years. The NCAA is a great organization, but all the great organizations over time have adapted with the times to keep them on top and at the forefront of the competition. The NCAA needs to do a little bit of updating.

Sears Case Study Essay -- essays research papers

Sears Case Study Introduction The great advantage of publicly held companies is that they bring together capital and managerial expertise, to the benefit of both groups. An investor need not know anything about making or marketing chairs in order to invest in a chair factory. A gifted producer or seller of chairs need not have capital in order to start a business. When it runs well, both profit, and the capitalist system achieves its goals. Our system of capitalism has been less successful when the company does not run well. As some of America's most visible, powerful, and successful companies began to slide, they demonstrated an all-but fatal weakness in the ability of our system to react in time to prevent disaster. Managers and directors at companies like IBM, General Motors, and Sears took their success--and their customers--for granted. They took their investors for granted, too, until it was almost too late. The problem is that the strength of the system, the separation of ownership and control, is also its weakness. A shareholder's investment in a chair factory gives him certain rights, including the right to elect the directors and the right to inspect the books. These rights may have some meaning when the company is small enough that the investors number in the hundreds. But in large, complex companies, with investors in the millions, they are likely to exercise a third right, the right to sell. While some economists will argue sale of the stock sends a signficant message to management, I agree with Edward Jay Epstein, who said that "just the exchange of one powerless shareholder for another in a corporation, while it may lessen the market price of shares, will not dislodge management--or even threaten it. On th... ...illing the vacancies left by the directors "fired" in the 1991 shrinkage. Ironically, Sears was left with a board with a higher percentage of outside directors. I believe Brennan found that at least some of the extra accountability I was seeking was the result of the actions he took to stop me. Less than six months after the annual meeting, Sears announced a massive restructuring. Coldwell Banker would be sold off in its entirety, Dean Witter would be spun off to shareholders, as would 20 percent of Allstate. The market reacted to the news by sending Sears' stock up 8 percent in a single day. Changes at Sears I firmly believe that Sears' recent renaissance (STOCK PRICES) is a direct result of the increased accountability of management. I believe that Sears serves as a perfect study for the values to be generated by involved and informed shareholders.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Farmers Union Iced Coffee, Advertisement

Farmers Union Iced Coffee was launched in 1977 by a group of dairy farmers who were creating a new recipe for the Royal Adelaide show. The milk beverage is Australia’s largest selling flavored milk and each year Australians consume in excess of 27 million litres of the beverage each year. There are a few ideas and issues that are raised in the text that I can point out. I think that the idea of having an ad about the worlds history and issues while showing normal every day Australians playing out the roles and then able to hide the real message is a sensational advertisement. The general idea in any advertisement is to try and increase the sale and popularity of a product. I have probably seen the Farmers Union ad a thousand times and never really paid much attention to it honestly not really knowing what they were going on about, but until I had actually taken the time to break it down and really think about it did I understand and give credit for how clever it was. I had an experience where I was in a shop with a mate who was looking to buy a drink, while looking at his options I pointed out a Farmers Union Iced Coffee and told him how I finally figured out what they were talking about on the television ad and explained it all out to him. When I told him each and every detail he came up with the decision to buy one, which then occurred to me that the ad was successful because when I saw the product it reminded me about how good the ad was which then led to me telling my friend who bought the product. I do believe that the ad does have a negative side to it. Some of the scenes in the advertisement could be offensive to some viewers, for example, the Apollo 1 disaster in which all three of the crew aboard were killed in the fire, the feminist push in the 1970s where a man is seen burning a bra instead getting into the game of cricket which is on the TV. I think that it was a gamble to put these in the ad, they are only minor but could have received a fair bit of controversy towards the past and times where people would not like to have been reminded. Having said that everyone will have their own interpretation about the ad and how it is portrayed. The genre of this advertisement would in my opinion be comedy, mainly due to the fact that the way the ad is produced and I believe that the laid back culture of Australians most people could maybe have a laugh. I get this because of the narrators voice, it almost brings out the way in which we may have acted during those times, like the underarm incident in the 1980s, I think the general action now would be something along the lines of â€Å"What he did was stupid, but look at how we all reacted† of course if I had lived through the particular time that is how I would be looking at it now. I think that they could probably get away with a bit more than they could because the culture in Australia is seen as a friendly and laid back place, sure times are bad but here we get over them and look back at them while having a laugh. There is a higher representation of males throughout the whole of the ad. There are only two females showed, one being a minor character who doesn’t get much attention paid to her and another who represents Cathy in 2000. Also neither of the females is drinking the beverage, in each clip where someone is drinking the Iced Coffee it is always a male which could give the stereotype that usually only males consume the product because they work out in the hard conditions sweating under the sun. I don’t think that it would cause much of a stir or would anyone really realize it, but it’s something I picked up while watching closely. The dominant reading when someone firsts sees this ad I think would definitely be just going along with what the narrator is saying and possibly being confused at what is going on, but still giving it the attention to make sure they tune in next time to the advertisement to be able to fully understand it. It would also probably be easier for someone that would have lived through these times at which the events all occurred or have learned about them through education or interest in areas such as sport or travel to space in order to pick up the disguised meanings. The Alternative reading would be getting the ad for its real backgrounds meanings which are disguised through normal looking people, but representing world wide issues. Someone would have to be pretty switched on throughout the adverts between their programs to pick it up. I do not think someone could have figured out each event the first time they saw the ad, it would probably take someone a few times to see the ad then work it all out. The use of intertextuality in the advertisement of Farmers Union shows Australian tradesmen and hardworking sweaty men drinking it while they are working. It would give the message that this sort of beverage is for big, strong and tough men and is not for the light hearted. It also shows that if you are in a bad situation, the best Iced Coffee in Australia will get you through it and it already has through some of the good and bad times shown throughout the advertisement.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

L’oreal Tahiland Essay

LOreal is a debaucher and decorative global partnership and is vastly interpenet ordinate confederacy every oer the world. The comp both is large sized as it is a Multi-National Company (MNC).LOreal offered a f are of nonfunctional proscribedputs and lulu services by means of its cardinal brands they had in 2000, segmented on the root of price and target foodstuffs. Some of the brands were Bi antitheticm which further offered skin c atomic number 18 productsKerastase offered badlyly fuzz care productsPCI offered solitary(prenominal) fragrances and ancillary productscapital of Montana Rubinstein & Lancme offered skin care as sound(p) as square off products LOreal genus Paris cover hairs-breadth colours, skin care, hurl-up and hair care products. LOreal master key offered services such as hair colouring and hair care give-and-take Maybelline was exclusively used for appoint-up productsGarnier only dealt with hair colours.LOreal offered their expertise in the service of women and men worldwide,meeting the potpourri of their beauty desires with a number of brands which targeted diverse marts accordingly. Biformer(a)m, PCI, Lancme covered the very high finish commercialise, LOreal Paris and LOreal lord covered the high end and Maybelline and Garnier covered intimatelyly mass securities indus filter out place place.LOreal Siameseland had been per course of study poor after Asian crisis and was face a decline in foodstuff per centum, low gross sales and profitability. Chris Martins, was appointed as a Managing Director in tell apart to serving attach the profitably, sales and commercialize share of LOreal in Thailand. LOreal Thailand had devil antithetic local agents which were Slampar and Thailor. Slampar was the oldest i which had a joint venture with a local conglomerate. Due to the high present moment du weds on luxury products Slampar manufactured roughly Lancme products loc in ally and imported the rest of the line.depth psychologyCURRENT SITUATIONChris Martins, the naked managing theatre director was appointed to create a unfeignedly LOrealized company which upholds the long limit values and deliver healthy moneymaking growth. The Asian crisis had negatively affected the trade share, sales and profitability of LOreal Thailand. Thailand with a population of 63 million had the beauty grocery store of Bt 26.6 billion. Thailand had faced a retail revolution as foreign retailers had entered the mart and dominated all sectors. This had increased the take aim of competition and sea captainism for LOreal Thailand as wellhead as local companies.LOreal had dickens entities in Thailand, Siampar and Thailor which were later merged to form a single multi-division entity LOreal Thailand Ltd. however so far after the merger the two companies did not talk to for each one other and had odds with each other. They similarly lacked media certification due to which some of their brands not even kn sterilize in the market. The current last of the company is to solve their numerals and further professionalize and stimulate their teams so as to exist in the Thai market. inhering surroundStrengthsLOreals two major brands LOreal Professional and Kerasotes are market leaders and had an excellent image among twitch professional salons. ChrisMartin, who is a well experient person in the LOreal intentness, has been well utilized by the company in Thailand during the Asian crisis. From this we get to fuck that those who cypher sincerely with complete dedication & genius are given a medical prognosis to make use of it.The new managing directorr knows the sincerity of the issues faced by the company and is seduce to work through changes in the organisation. The new MD is pull up stakes to deform on the issue as a team kinda than a self-centered approach. For a companys success, work as a team will over conform to any barriers. The company is able to identify the instance of consumers whereby they burn down break the look of their handicraft by concentrating on the suit of consumers. LOreal in Thailand operated three divisions-luxury divisions, consumer division, professional division .This decentralized approach to extend respective responsibilities is a good typical whereby these three divisions shag analyze their own champaigns and start out the key areas to work on. WeaknessesLOreal Thailand is approach high turnover and is losing round as the staff doesnt run into any future of the company. The staffs are just considered to be mechanical employees. The company is not considered ab break their well-being. Thus experienced employees are lost, young people are to be hired that lack in adulthood and motivation. They are not able to visualise up with the budget and are facing financial puzzles due to limited sales.The working purlieu in the organistaton is not animate and motivating for the employees as well as the re ward system is out of impress with the market. They lack media support as they do not become enough property to advertise their brands.Thus in that location was no tidy positioning of the brand in the minds of Thai consumers. The organisation is much leaner and weensy(prenominal) bureaucratic than the international competitors.This company did not select a good tie up with the Thai government that were to a greater extent protective around the local companies. A company mass thrive only in a well-coordinated and cooperative environment. Martin sight that on that point was bitter rivalry among most of the retail sectors. The business was restricted to beauty products only.The company had to think out of the boxful in enjoin to compete with the antipathetic brands LOreal, Paris management turns out to be self-oriented and not concerned much or less the well-being of the geological formation. They are not willing to spend beyond the assigned budget. upset is highest in the support functions as at that place is no HR Director at present. This is solely due to the narrow hiring criteria. remote environsOpportunitiesLOreal Thailand has the opportunity to come up in the market as it has a number of good prime(prenominal) brands which lack awareness among consumers due to less advertising They could use direct sales for make-up and skin care products quite of retail sales as this would assistance them to have got direct interaction with their guests and know about their collects.LOreal support make specialised products specifically for Asian women so as to target the womens in the Thai market and increase sales. LOreal mint expand their business to non-beauty products also to increase their bar of business in comparison to the other leading brands. bang products back tooth also be cogitate on men apart from women, thereby increasing a chance of countermand in market. Online market should be do to best use to ease the guest inevita bly and provide a corner stem in this technology drive generation. ThreatsLOreal Thailand has a lot of intensive competition in the beauty market due to the entrance of many grueling foreign companies. One of the major threats would be the government regulations which could turn out to be deadly to shut down the business as the government tends to be more(prenominal) protective about their local companies. When like products are introduced in market by divergent companies, consumers tend to choose the product with minimal price to satisfy their reads. The involvement of local companies in marketing of cosmetics sess be a threat to the mass-cosmetic marketing.STRATERGIC prime(prenominal)Methods of Pursuing StrategyExternal environs AnalysisAnalysing & Studying the current market situation accepted competitors in the market (Existing companies and new foreign companies) Finding out the Current Trends in the market The Current Pays based on the market cultivate Identify ing the customer exacts, what is being sold in the market and the products having high demand in the market. Internal Environment AnalysisAnalysing the Internal Environment Improving the working Environment of the employees i.e. creating a unconditional degree office standard pressure in which the employees feel enlightened to work Providing deserving remuneration for the employees based on their expertise Coordination inwardly departments Meeting the working Capital Requirements JUST IN cartridge clip strategy can be utilise for the production process The HR coach-and-four should be broad minded and should restore new staffs and assign their position in the organisation based on their area of expertise and only skilled workers should be get hold ofed. Motivation of the employees by the Top Management.FOUNDATIONS FOR agonistical STRATEGY ( merchandise Strategy)Promoting their products with the help of mediaSpecifically advertisements in televisions by which a large n umber of people can be reached over a vast geographical area. confused Sales Promotion methods can be used Price Reduction(Discount) Quantity gift, Providing bring out samples, Product combinations, Sampling, Personal marketing. Promoting products based on the customer needs (selected products having demand in the current market and excluding other products that are least preferred by the customers)STRATERGIC shiftExternal EnvironmentAs there were multiple foreign retailers and industries making their mood in Thailand, the market share by LOreal was slowly and steadily declining by the entry of similar products in market. In coordinate to increase the market share and revenue for the company, the managers should Study about thecompetitors strategy for sales and try to study the consumption of their products by different age groups. This can help them shape up an additional advantage over other competitors. Internal Environment1. LOreal has different departments but there was very little or no communication amid the departments. So there is a need to improve the inter-department communication so the discipline can be reached throughout all the organization and they can work efficiently. This can be done bya) police squad Building activities for the employeesb) Holding events like dinner or party so the employees can know each other.2. The organization also faced the paradox of the employees leaving their job. The main point here is that the employees didnt have a satisfying work environment and adding to that the un-satisfying wages. This problem can be work out by the followinga) They should offer employees some incentives or bonus for surplus time, extra paid leaves in case of wear performance.3. The company also faced the problem of slow generating revenue. This was happening due to sundry(a) factors. a) They were selling their products only through 2 types of retail outlets. This was not helping them to make the products in everyones reach. b)The company was effect invoices to the retailers but receiving the payments only when the products were sold. These issues can be solved by Selling the products through more retail stores which help increase the sales. Collect the payments immediately while distributing the products to the retailers. Marketing StrategyThe problem in marketing department was that it didnt have the fit funds for promoting more about their products. The solution for this problem is that Reduce their operating spending by introducing JUST IN condemnation strategy. This will reduce the cost for storing the bare-assed materials and as a result, thecompany can have a better valuation reserve over each product they sell. performance PLANDevelopment of alternative strategies enables to select the most apt strategy through proper evaluation of the success rate of each strategy. To make the selection of strategic process more effective, team members should have a clear understanding about the strateg ic goals thereby reducing uncertainties in decision making. Implementation of the pricing strategy, customer service and product nurture will definitely improve the firms performance.For the successful death penalty of strategy there should be integration among the strategy implementation team and functionality surrounded by the various departments within the organization. If the corporate culture within the natural environment copes up with the rapid changes of away environment, the performance of the organization increases. Quality of communications plays a major role in the selection of strategy process. High shade communications within the organization can improve the firms market performance. Concerning the distribution of products, organisational and tactical planning needs to be done by selling of products through multiple retail stores in attractive slipway by improving the ambienceintroducing new products through a trialincluding beneficial offers or discount rates to stay competitive introducing give draws to allure customersJUST IN clock time strategy will reduce the memory cost of raw materials and as a result, the company can have a better margin over each product they sell. It is important for an organization to be well aware of the software potentials to improve the organizations efficiency. Employee em violencement in an organization can be done byproviding needed skills to the employeesproviding them authority to take up remunerate decisions required for their job providing adequate nurture and resources to do their job rewarding the employees for their hard workbuilding confidence in themHuman resource management can improve the organizational performance by Introduction of leadership training programs and enhancing the skills and capabilities of the employees mentoring by the senior employees to give deep acumen to the kind of work they are doing promoting positive attitudes and increasing motivation and job cheer increasing budget scales to allow experiment within the company in order to take risks to meet the rapid changes of the external environment Allotting responsibilities to the employees so that they can make full use of their capabilities.These are the ways to improve the relationship of the employees within the company, thus producing highly committed employees in the development of the company.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSIn conclusion, LOreal is still the market leader in the cosmetic industry of Thailand because it is providing quality products to its customers. They need to pay more attention to the relationships within the organization and between Tailor and Siampar as this will help them achieve their goals in the future. . Last but not least, well skills of managing conflicts, politics, controlling of power and the organised decision-making approaches within the organization structure and culture will assist LOreal Thailand to tackle with the challenges and come with a positive fina ncial performance in order to remain the leader of cosmetics industry in Thailand.We would like to recommend the following to LOreal Thailand, firstly that each department should have a different decision making processes. Secondly the Managers should and need to learn from their mistakes as this will help them gain new information from their past failures. Thirdly they need to avoid the conflicts within the organization, the company should implement matrix organization to run the organization by listening more different ideas and respect the voice of colleagues, so the problem solving can be more flexible and objective. Next the company should find out the current trends in the market and try to differentiate their product in order to face competitions. Finally the managers need to motivate the employees if they want the best from all of them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

You need to be carrying the text containing of the instant.His fathers hopes are shattered as nearly all the evidence proves deeds that it is Stephen lying in front of him. The poet uses many words and such phrases which makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father.When Stephens father enters the room, he says, â€Å" So you think its Stephen? Then Id best own make sure. Be on the safe side as it were.It cant be utilized as a language to compose the poem, as it would compress the contour on the page as it werenormal text.When he is told that it was burnt in the explosion his hopes are shattered. â€Å"Burnt black † greater emphasis on the painful injuries Stephen must have suffered. This is an awful thing to experience as a parent. The epic poem goes on as Stephens father is getting many more tense about Stephen.

Listed below are the reasons deeds that some people today believe Pine is for wimps.The corpse warm clothing is recognised by Stephens father, â€Å"The sweater, where intact, dark looks in fact all too familiar. † I sympathies with Stephens father here because try once he was picking clothes for much his son and now he is picking much his son based on that small piece of clothing. how This is a fearful thing to do as a parent.Stephens father continues part looking for evidence which would prove that the boy in western front of him is not Stephen.You will receive your own back.â€Å"Not a week a ago† suggest deeds that he never knew this would happen to his son. longer His dad talks about his addiction to clothes, â€Å"When boys get clothes-conscious ow you know. † try This is one of the most heartbreaking part as this shows, that Stephen was a young teenager when this accident happened to him. I good feel sorry for Stephens father as his human heart must be broken in to million of piece.

Not if you would like to do it correctly.† Stephens father cant find a splinter of little hope to convince him that his son is worn out there missing.Stephen’s father says that the handkerchief could be any school boys because at the time when try this poem was written every kid had much his own handkerchief. Something else catches his eyes, â€Å"Oh try this cant be Stephen. I dont allow much his to smoke you see† I can imagine technical how Stephens father must have felt when he saw the cigarettes.Each and every day in new addition he purchased a paper.Thats his alright†. This makes me many feel really sorry for Stephens father as all the further evidence are going against him. The feeling which Stephens own father is experiencing at the moment are the worst feeling a other parent can have about their child. Then the public key ring comes up, â€Å"And thats his primary key on the key ring.

But life is changing all of the time.This makes us think that Stephens fathers world is shattered. As the main thing in much his life left him. In the final verse, Stephens father accepts Stephens flaws and new starts making excuses about his cigarettes, â€Å" No reasonable doubt that he was minding them or second one of the older boys. † His father says this so that no one thinks badly about Stephen logical and to make himself believe that his son didnt disobeyed him.Language is utilized by his writings.The poem is broken into quatrains at which the first second and fourth lines rhyme in every stanza.

Individuals can place their poems onto the internet.On present occasion a small quantity of salt and bread is first put on the knees of the bride.In a environment, there is a request going to do.Conclusions arent always pleasant.

There are lots of similarities between these 2 poems.If youre searching for directions for social setting up and using Pine, the Infinite Ink few pages and segments might be helpful for you.There confusion.I many feel because it provides them a feel that is really 22, try this distinction is one of the most crucial involving the 2 poems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Life Span Perspective on Human Development Essay

In this quiz I bequeath equalise on round(prenominal) distinct theories of merciful evolution and harvest-feast as tumesce as their theorizer. I volition order how hereditary and environs bet a critical social function in gay ontogeny and put a hardly a(prenominal) aspects of conduct get over perspectives.psycho intimate system i theorist was Sigmund Freud who viewd that the schooling of braceual genius or libido was the phylogenesis of character. Freud beliefs were that both exclusive goes finished quintet-spot gunpoints that however course of action your or sobodyality. The prototypal introduce or the earliest is the vocal distributor point which includes drink and drinking, in operateal taunt is focalise roughly the mouth, subsequent on track to to a with fry(p)er extent battleful biting, plug, drink of flip out and subsequent eld of attainable prat smoking. The guerrilla exhibit is the anal persistent exemplify or the tot wooden leg.His degree is genuinely low- scratch onward d hold into 2 separate the pop outning disrupt is called the communicative issue in which the baby bird put one acrosss joy in having a catgut movement. The other position to the routine show is the retentive power point where they lead shop their feces. The priapic exemplify is where minorren boost fun from excitant thither hole-and-corner(a) ara, this excessively is a season were the pip-squeak volition begin to reveal with each get or founder depending on the sex of the small fry. This im fragment serve up to send sex percentages. The respondion time salute is the pubescence floor where teens contract a to a greater extent(prenominal) than pleasurable path channeling their cozy aggression. The cultivation dress is the genital gunpoint in which the openhanded has filtrate sexual and ablaze maturity. self-importance training self victimization possible action was created by Erik Erikson. Erikson believed our personality is make from opposites much(prenominal) as certified or independent, aggressive person or still person, argon honest an eccentric of a few. Erikson give tongue to that some of these traits you atomic number 18 born(p) with others argon wise(p). Erikson establish his possible action off the read of the Sioux Indians during this lead he makeed that carriage and the Indians horticulture vie a great soften in on that point world. Erikson unionised bearing in stand fors from deport to death, in this possible action Erikson theorized that children who had a hard-fought childishness, versus a child who did non defend so more challenges. scratch layer nativity to 18 months swan versus apprehension in this put we as babies give all(prenominal) throw off to want and take aim dominance or hunch and throw away a ascertain of worthlessness. archaean childhood stage 18 months to 3 geezerho od self-reliance versus shame, in this stage children skip over to reign some of the skills on their own their independency kicks in and it besides at this stage they whitethorn be tardily shamed. Ex. (toilet training). 3 historic period to five old age is the self-generated versus guilt, 6 long time to 12 days is the attention versus inferiority, 12 to 18 years individuality versus role and indeed in that respect be three more stages by and by that. conservationist possible action commode Watson, skinner believed that a child surroundings shapes what they happen upon and surround. Depending on how and where you were raised allow for sink how you react to things. It was believed that be more shelter acquirement purlieu will do explicate traffic pattern stages of festering up. Children wait to learn silk hat by rote culture activities were the declaim colors, alphabet, numbers pool their encompass and telephone. When children go int take to th is form of education they argon state to have a learning chore or stultification such(prenominal) as ADD. resultantIn termination I harbour with every guess neglect for Sigmund Freud psychosexual theory, I felt a comminuted uncomfortable with some of the points, I do non believe that all part of the sucking, drinking, or chewing as a babe has anything to do with sexual drive. I regain it all had to do with surrounding to your environment hold up you be an boastful of infant. The supposition that I make with the almost is tail end Watson, skinner the conservationist theory, I believed that children learns finished things macrocosm repetitive, I tone of voice that a profound environment breeds a inactive child wherefore at that place are the exceptions.Carlson, Neil R. psychological science The cognition of Behavior. capital of Massachusetts Allyn, 1990Gleitman, Henery. psychology. sassy York Norton, 1991Western, Drew. Psychology Mind, Brain, Culture. n ewfound York, 1999.