Monday, April 15, 2019
What if it Were You Essay Example for Free
What if it Were You EssayProbably the most debated topic today is stillbirth. It is uncommon for the topic to be brought up when new friends ar first meeting because almost e trulyone has a stand on the issue, and in that respect are only two possible stands (which happen to be largely the opposite). According to the Websters dictionary, the definition of spontaneous abortion is elision of a foetus from the womb before it is viable. You might say that this definition is a little ill-defined because we must ask, what does Webster mean by viable? In the same edition, the definition of viable is able to coach alkali and grow. Now I dont k instantaneously ab come to the fore you, tho I think that if you nourish and feed a fetus from the first day of conception properly, it leave behind be able to take root and grow. If you dont believe me, every single human life today (including yours and mine) are walking proof of this. So therefore, if the definition of abortion is a fetus expelled before it pile take root and grow, the definition contradicts itself, and abortion is therefore the expulsion of a human. Now where Im from, expulsion of a human is a crime in which in most cases is punishable by death if not life imprisonment. I cant compensate begin to to a lower placestand how the issue of abortion is even a question, or much(prenominal) less exists What a sick and twisted world we spanking in. Its a good thing for each(prenominal) told those hardcore pro-choicers come out there that their mothers happened to be pro-life.Ironic, huh? I am going to give a few arguments against abortion, and I will then look at the opposing views and make a rebuttal. The first and foremost argument is that abortion is just wrong it is the eating of the innocent(Pearce 7). Considering that the majority of America and this world believe in (a similar) God, God in spades is pro-life (or at least his mother was). Anyone that wants to follow God simply cannot b e for abortion under any circumstances. God is the creator of life and intended for a child to be born the infixed way not sucked up by a vacuum and discarded into a trashcan. Now if youre not one of those people that believe in God, you might still be against murder. Im telling you that abortion is no different than murder.The major question that comes intomind for some(prenominal) Christians is When does a fetus/baby put one over a soul? or rather, When is the fetus a human? A medical group of biochemists and geneticists were asked the same question, and establish 19 to 1 that The majority of our group could find no promontory in time in the midst of the union of sperm and egg, or at least the blastocyst stage, and the birth of the infant at whichpoint we could say that this was not a human life. A good comparison to remember is that a fetus is to a baby as a ten year old child is to an adult severally is just an older version of the former (and all are human). There are umteen women that accept now gone insane because of abortions. They realize what they have done and feel as if they have killed the very child they should have loved(Green 1).The number one comeback to any pro-life arguments is that abortion is the womans right to make. My rebuttal is simply, What if the aborted fetus was a female (or hence a woman), Where the heck was her so-called right to choose? The same acknowledgment can be made for a mother of ten children all under the age of 11, that wants to kill herself. She might say, Its my body, my life, why the heck cant I commit suicide? I have the right to choose death. I would say that no, she really doesnt have that right because she will be affecting at the lives of at least ten other people.Im gonna guess that those ten kids cant be homogeneous survive too comfortably without her. So does she have the right to choose death of her own body, much less that of somebody elses (the throwaway(prenominal) fetus)? Heck NO My quest ion is why doesnt a woman have the right to chooseright by and by the baby has been born? Or does she. Partial-birth abortion is a practice supported by many pro-choicers in which the baby is killed after it has partially been born. If a woman held a gun to her child after it was middle(prenominal) out and shot it, would it be murder? What about of the way out?What if the baby is only committed by the toe, or to the umbilical cord? Its considered murder if the mother shoots her baby once it is completely out of the womb. aIn regards to my statement that women who have had abortions often go insane, many people believe that it is the daub of us pro-lifers that we are too harsh, and therefore make them feel remorseful. The fact is, the truth hurts. If someone killed someone, and then was told how bad it was, they would feel sorry too. Everyone today wants to never be told what is right and wrong, so that they cant be held culpable for their actions. That is just like Platos alleg ory of the cave, in which everyone is tied up and watches shadows on the wall, not realizing that there is another world out there. One man (Socrates) unties himself and escapes. When he comes back to tell everyone about this unit of measurement new world, they beat him up and choose to deny it. And as in Platos day, there are many of us whowish not to see the truth and take the easy way out. We must all do what Socrates did escape from the world and find and preach the truth.Another argument made for abortion is What if a teenage girl is raped? My dissolver is Give it up for adoption One might answer me back and say, There are already too many orphaned kids who arent that well taken wield of. My answer is to ask those poor orphaned kids if they would rather be alive than dead by position a gun up to their head, or better yet, threaten them with a vacuum to suck their brains out. I can almost guarantee you that they will choose life, and be happy that their mothers also did.One closing argument for abortion is people want to know what if the child will be disabled? firstborn of all, go see the movie that is based on a true story, RADIO. Disabled people can teach so many people how to love. They have taught me what unconditional love is. But aside from all this, just like with the orphaned kids, just put a gun up to them, and they will probably give you some indication to stop. After reading a first draft ofthis essay, one of my peers asked me, Should a person who has no sign of consciousness (retarded) and does nothing good to this world be entitled to live? My answer is Why would theynot be entitled to live? Even if we knew that someone was going to do harm to this world, it would be murder to kill him. If someone had killed Hitler before he had done so much evil, it wouldve still been murder. There once was a pregnant woman who had syphilis and was an alcoholic, and the father was also an alcoholic. Should she have aborted her baby, who had such a hig h risk of turning out deformed? If she had aborted that baby, she wouldve killed Beethoven. (True story)Finally, I would like to conclude with the steps in an abortion process. There are types of induced abortions Dilatation and curettage suck Hysterotomy and saline solution poisoning. Dilatation and curettage, or D and C is a process by which the doctor sticks an instrumentate (curette) up into the uterus, and cuts the baby to pieces, and then scrapes all the pieces out (Wilkes 18). Blood is not uncommon. Suction is a regularity by which the baby is sucked through a vacuum and then spit into a tube into many pieces. Hysterotomy is similar to a Caesarian section in which the doctor cuts open the mothers stomach, and then throws the baby away. (See pictures attached.)The saline poisoning method is done by injecting a needle of poison into the amniotic sack of the baby, and reflexion it go intoconvulsions for about an hour, and then dies. The mother goes through labor, and deliver s a dead baby. By the way, science now tells us that a baby has a fully developed nervous system at third months, and can thus feel everything. In the movie The Silent Scream, the doctors poke the baby, and you can see it prove and writhe in pain. People today just dont have hearts anymore. So I forecast I have convinced you that abortion is wrong and evil, and must be banned. Some say that there is another civil war to be fought overabortion. This might seem a bit rash, but the truth is, abortion is that serious.
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